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Dave Hanson's SQ 2000. One of very few ever built. He expects to be at Rough River this year, 2008.
Modified hatch, Dave's canard is glassed in place and the hatch size was reduces. He also installed a locking mechanism using a beldon choke cable and a 10/32 bolt as a locking pin. He removed the stock controls because they had to much play for his taste and he installed a long EZ type center console stick using push rods and torque tubes with sealed universal bearings. Dave also added a Garmin 296 color moving map GPS and Trio Auto pilot. The throttle and mixture are push pull in the left side of the panel not shown in this photo.
Dave enclosed the front landing gar with some custom designed retract covers. The paint is new. Dave used 3 very nice colors to accent this beautiful plane.
He made a couple of cowls, the original one was used as a plug to make a carbon fiber cowl for the top. The bottom cowl was ok but he may make some changes to the NACA. It has 58 sqr inches of inlet area yes, that's right 4.5 X 13 "Soooooooo i may plug that up and do armpit scoops like the Berkut boys run. I enjoyed all of the great tips from Berkut 13 great job. Anyway that's my plane more to come its going to fly next month. See you at RR. Dave Hanson"!
Fresh Lycoming IO-360 Mounted in position. Some sheet metal work completed. 8 inch prop extension used to get good flow out of cowlings.
Panel and interior coming together in the early stages.
Checking cowl fit and prop position. Also going over bell-crank operation before installation.
Hand made cowlings in position. Checking fit and function for cooling. Very clean flow!
2000 retractable gear. Dave's is a fixed gear, the only one built this way
so far.